01419: Starting the Weekend Geekily

It's the weekend. Hurrah?

I've only napped on and off since work last night, but that's sort of to be expected given how we call center folk deal with weekends. I'll have to deal with the consequences of this when work resumes next week. But hey, it's my life for now and we all do what we can to cope with things.

This is a payday weekend for me and I've indulged in a few items of interest (naturally of the geekier persuasion). It started with the two Transformers shirts yesterday and today I crossed a new line - digital comics.

I had long been contemplating getting into digital comics, primarily through Comixology. I've had the app installed on my tablet for some time now but limited myself to perusing the free comics. It's a nice reading experience - even better than what I get to experience with my, um, "other" digital comics sources from the internet. But no title was particularly compelling so I held back.

But that changed when IDW announced that they had acquired the rights to re-release the original Marvel Comics run for the Transformers (both the US and UK editions). And this has come at such an opportune time given IDW has also decided to continue the story of the original US comics with Transformers Regeneration One, a new series that even maintains the numbering of the original series.

But in the meantime, I can now slowly work through the older comics that led up to the current revived series. Well, at least once I've purchased and downloaded all the volumes. I'm trying to keep myself in check by only purchasing one volume at a time. It was the rule that I had imposed on myself when I had first purchased a Kindle...although I didn't exactly stick to that rule very well. We'll see if I do better this time around - especially given comics actually tend to be more expensive than your typical ebook, especially for newer titles.

So that's the plan - I'll stick to one major purchase at a time, avoid newer titles and think very carefully about any new comic that I buy. As much as I enjoy the physical sensation of having comic books in my hand, I know it's not at all practical given the rates folks charge for comic books these days.

But dang, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be able to finish reading this first volume that I purchased within the day. Oh bugger.

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