01412: Sleepy Family Saturday

Skipper is on the move...

For the most part, I do enjoy my call center life. Naturally the pay is more than competitive, the work is interesting and the schedule may seem difficult but it does have its perks. Chief among them is a lot less travel time when going to work since my work schedule tends to hover closer to midnight or thereabouts. And so on and so on.

The main time that you feel the crunch of the call center life is always the weekend, what more a weekend that you spend with the rest of your family who, for the most part, are living on normal time. Thus during these visits home like today, I end up foregoing sleep in the interests of maximizing my time with everyone else. So I've been awake since before my shift last night and with luck I'll still manage to stay awake and sleep at the same time everyone else does.

I'm not complaining - just stating the facts. I do this almost every time I go home and I don't regret it for a moment.

Today has been surprisingly busy, given my family has a significant tendency to stay home. Their day started at the salon where I eventually met up with them after work. Then it was a Mongolian buffet at Sweet Inspirations and then a rather busy day at the Shangri-la Mall. And now we're finally home as my sister prepares dinner and I do my best to keep away. Good times.

Side ventures of the Single Life - running out of excuses not to visit your family. LOL
