0138A: Rest and Recovery Pride Sunday

So I didn't go to O Bar last night, which is sort of our regular routine come Sundays. Tobie didn't go either - I guess we were both that tired. Prince still had to go since he had a gig despite the pain in his left arm and chest, which we'll need to address before his next gig come Thursday night.

Spent most of the time sleeping. LGBT Pride weekend can be pretty draining and this one was a tad taxing beyond the physical realm, when you get down to it. But with the help of bed rest, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and the company of good friends, I got through it.

And now the work week looms ahead and I wonder if I'll be able to get through this time as well. Oh boy.

I don't have any more vacation time lined up in the immediate future. I used up the last of my credits for Pride and I availed of a holiday offset the other week. So this means I'll just need to hang in there until the big family Singapore trip that is lined up for this month. Have I mentioned that trip on this blog just yet? I can't remember.

And now we're watching The Fifth Element. And if we have the time for it, we just might catch The Amazing Spider-Man together. I know I already watched it yesterday (in fact I already have a review posted on the Geeky Guide), but it's a great enough movie to see again, especially with Tobie and Prince this time around.

And yeah, I know inherently there's a story between the lines there, but I'm not going to get into that just yet.

But on the whole, it was a pretty good weekend. There were high points and low points. There was good and bad. Beyond that, well, that's just life.
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