The past few days haven't been our best with the death of Poy-Poy and the related emotions around this event. But still we've pulled through with the binding strength of love and now we're full steam ahead with new plans.
Prince is now fully committed to growing ASA Travel and Tours as an independent travel agency as are Tobie and myself. I get to carry the title of Business Development Manager as I help with the collateral, promoting our partner hotels and eventually setting up the website. Prince of course is operations and will be steering the company the most part in these first few months. Tobie handles creatives and would probably make a good image model for us, but we'll see.
There may be a new dog for us on the horizon as Prince is talking to the same breeder where he had bought Poy-Poy. He's found an option from the same stud who fathered Poy-Poy, so at least we'll have a more or less related dog to continue to love and support. We just have to figure out what we might name the dog, which is the real tricky part here.
And there are so many things that are bound to happen, and I can't wait to see where the future will lead us. It's definitely quite the exciting time.
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