01272: 2011 in Transformers and Other Geekery

It's the last day of the year and I'm here at Mahar's place for the New Year's Eve festivities. Tobie's with his family today so it was nice for Mahar to offer to put me up for the night - and then we'll all hit O Bar Ortigas later (har har).

Before leaving the Sietch, I finally unboxed my last Transformer for 2011 - this being the Hasbro edition of Masterpiece Rodimus Prime. I had some initial hesitations about getting this figure, but now that I have him out of the box I'm really happy. the sculpting is just gorgeous and he has a lot of fun little features like replaceable hands to match his alternate tools used in the movie and of course a tiny Matrix of Leadership inside his chest, which remains different from the slightly larger version design to fit his hands.

For the year, I purchased 46 different sets, some of which consist of multiple robots. So if we do a per-robot count, I end the year with 68 new robots added to the ever-growing Transformers collection. Not a bad haul for the year, if I do say so myself. This is more than last year which involved about 32 sets that translated into 53 robots (including a few drones). Fantastic.

The bulk of my collection remains to be a mix of the Generations and Reveal the Shield lines with support from older finds from the Classics, Henkei and Universe lines as well. And of course there's the lovely Masterpiece Rodimus Prime up there, which marks the very first time that I've ventured into getting one of the masterpiece figures. I have no idea what Transformers finds 2012 will bring but I know that the greater challenge will be trying to figure out a viable storage solution for all of these awesome robots that make up my extended family of sorts.

I really liked 2011 (not that I didn't like 2010 either). Beyond all these great Transformers, more books and an Amazon Kindle to boot, this year was also about a heck of a lot of theater and our first out of the country trip together to Singapore. There are just so many good things that happened this year that it would take me far too much time to document everything in a blog post - I guess it's more effective to look back at the archives of my LiveJournal and sort of take things from there.

By next year I expect to have a full year's worth of posts on this blog to review and that should prove to be interesting as well. And that's another thing to remember as well! The fact that I finally shuttered my LiveJournal and moved on to this blog, plus the fact this is also the year that Tobie and I created our campy little co-blog, Baduy Pride.

It's also been a year of a lot of O Bar fun. If I just base it off of my photo albums, I have at least 27 instances of when we've gone to O Bar (whether Malate or Ortigas - but mostly Ortigas). This is the year that we really, really got to enjoy the stylings of the fabulous Dee Dee Holliday (and got to know her a bit more to boot) and a lot of the ledge dancers have really come into their own. You can just look back at my photo albums and try to figure out which ones I tend to like more, haha! And the tail-end of the year included the addition of some pretty fun poi dancers to the whole bar experience, which just shows that things continue to get better and better.

And this was a year of what feel like once-in-a-lifetime concerts for me and Tobie. Between the fabulous Kylie Minogue and the forever memorable Jason Mraz, Tobie and I felt lucky to have caught both of them in their trips to Manila. Totally, totally awesome.

There are so many things to be thankful for this year and I don't know how to get everything into a single blog post. But know that I am thankful and continually looking forward to what the next year will bring. And with Tobie in my life, I know there's never going to be a dull moment and I can only hope that with my camera and this blog, I'll still be able to document as much of it as possible in order to capture more and more memories.

Beyond the good blessings, I'm also thankful for all the amazing people who have helped contribute to this being such a spectacular year. This includes close friends who continue to grow closer, gaming circles that have helped fill up our weekends with tabletop adventures and of course the fabulous folks at O Bar who make every night at the bar worth every moment.

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