Okay, we are NOT going to O Bar tonight. Seriously. Thank the stars that we have a game to occupy our time instead. Liver rest mode activated!
Last night was pretty good, although the Thursday O Bar crowd as a lot larger than usual, probably because of the local holiday today. But by the same virtue, more friends were also able to join us at the bar like our own master chef friend PJ. But it was worth venturing out for, at least for all the crazy stuff going on. Plus I admit I've become a sucker for taking photos of the High Voltage poi dancers, who have been very supporting of my O Bar photography efforts. I'm not sure what motivates me to take photos more - the fact that the poi lights make for some very interesting light patterns in the gloom of the bar or perhaps it's the feedback I get for the photos themselves and the eagerness of some of the performers to see how my photos turned out.
This holiday vacation almost feels like it has just been one long series of trips to O Bar. Not complaining or anything - just making an observation. I haven't gone out this much in ages (or possibly ever). Fun in the short term for sure, but I know this is not the kind of lifestyle I can maintain on a prolonged basis. Plus I don't even want to consider how much money Tobie has invested into these bar trips, hehe. The least that I can do is pick up the slack in terms of those times when we eat out or watch plays to balance the equation.
Next week marks the return to my normal working life, which means that I won't be able to visit O Bar as much as I'd like due to sheer lack of opportunity. But hey, it comes with working the night shift and all that and it helps pay for all the fun stuff that we get into. I write this in order to continue to psyche myself up for the return to the working world. It's not going to be easy no matter how we look at it.
*Cue idle thinking of either leaving the call center industry for another job or wishing that I had enough money to retire a happy geek*
With last night having been our last O Bar session for the night, today has surprisingly shifted as the last gaming session for the year. It's fun how things sort of fell into place at the last minute given how difficult it is to schedule folks over the holidays, so yay for gaming! And this is our long-running Changeling the Dreaming game to boot, which is pretty much where most of my gaming efforts (and interests) lie. So yes, definitely a great way to end the year.
Tomorrow should be interesting, it being New Year's Eve and all. In years past it meant quality time without the family and then hitting the bars. But since Tobie still has family obligations during the New Year's Eve festivities, it looks like I'm an orphan again. This time around I'll be joining Mahar and his family while they celebrate, which feels a wee bit weird for me since I've rarely spent time with other people's families in this manner. Of course as a family we rarely spent time at friends' houses at all, so go figure. So this should be something memorable and a certainly interesting change of pace for me.
Hush now - the game begins!
Last night was pretty good, although the Thursday O Bar crowd as a lot larger than usual, probably because of the local holiday today. But by the same virtue, more friends were also able to join us at the bar like our own master chef friend PJ. But it was worth venturing out for, at least for all the crazy stuff going on. Plus I admit I've become a sucker for taking photos of the High Voltage poi dancers, who have been very supporting of my O Bar photography efforts. I'm not sure what motivates me to take photos more - the fact that the poi lights make for some very interesting light patterns in the gloom of the bar or perhaps it's the feedback I get for the photos themselves and the eagerness of some of the performers to see how my photos turned out.
This holiday vacation almost feels like it has just been one long series of trips to O Bar. Not complaining or anything - just making an observation. I haven't gone out this much in ages (or possibly ever). Fun in the short term for sure, but I know this is not the kind of lifestyle I can maintain on a prolonged basis. Plus I don't even want to consider how much money Tobie has invested into these bar trips, hehe. The least that I can do is pick up the slack in terms of those times when we eat out or watch plays to balance the equation.
Next week marks the return to my normal working life, which means that I won't be able to visit O Bar as much as I'd like due to sheer lack of opportunity. But hey, it comes with working the night shift and all that and it helps pay for all the fun stuff that we get into. I write this in order to continue to psyche myself up for the return to the working world. It's not going to be easy no matter how we look at it.
*Cue idle thinking of either leaving the call center industry for another job or wishing that I had enough money to retire a happy geek*
With last night having been our last O Bar session for the night, today has surprisingly shifted as the last gaming session for the year. It's fun how things sort of fell into place at the last minute given how difficult it is to schedule folks over the holidays, so yay for gaming! And this is our long-running Changeling the Dreaming game to boot, which is pretty much where most of my gaming efforts (and interests) lie. So yes, definitely a great way to end the year.
Tomorrow should be interesting, it being New Year's Eve and all. In years past it meant quality time without the family and then hitting the bars. But since Tobie still has family obligations during the New Year's Eve festivities, it looks like I'm an orphan again. This time around I'll be joining Mahar and his family while they celebrate, which feels a wee bit weird for me since I've rarely spent time with other people's families in this manner. Of course as a family we rarely spent time at friends' houses at all, so go figure. So this should be something memorable and a certainly interesting change of pace for me.
Hush now - the game begins!
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