01264: Stream of Consciousness Toyfair Contemplation

This weekend is the 6th Christmas Toyfair over at SM Megamall, and I have to admit that I was rather tempted to try and swing by before heading home. With Tobie still resting from a night at O Bar, it'll be a wee bit more time before he's in a state when it's possible to wake him up. Hence the earlier temptation to go as a way to "maximize" my time by catching the mall so close after opening. But knowing that the remainder of my 13th month pay was still burning a whole in my bag, I knew that going would be a bad idea. At least had I brought Tobie along with me, it would be a more fun experience and I'd be able to bounce ideas off him as I figure out whether or not something is truly worth purchasing.

Now that I'm actually home, I realize that the thought of making the trek to Megamall on the last weekend before Christmas on what is also a payday weekend for most folks in the city was sheer madness. Plus I doubted that I'd actually find items really worth getting in terms of priority but I just might give in due to price.

I get weird that way. Sometimes when the toy has been marked down so much, I start to feel bad for it and feel like I should somehow "save" it from being lost in some storage bin. I felt that way with these P50 Star Trek figures from the 2011 movie that we say yesterday at Ali Mall. And I felt similarly when it came to the Legends-class ROTF Constructicon Devastator which is now retailing for P600. Although checking out the Transformers Wiki write-up, getting it may not be that bad an idea because it's seven robots that combine into one instead of six...but no! It's still against my principles regarding that Bayformer monstrosity!

Long story short - it's probably better that I stay home and save money for better, more worthy Transformers. At least that's my story for now and I'll do my best to stick to it until Tobie wakes up. Then we'll see.

Although it's roughly the size of a deluxe-sized figure when fully-formed...

There's a huge delay at this point between when I started to compose this entry at around 11:30am until 02:00pm when I finally leave the bedroom. Tobie had woken up mid-blog, so I joined him in bed and ended up taking an unplanned nap. 

Note to self: I really ought to write a Baduy Pride post about the Singularity in our bedroom. I swear that little cosmic anomaly is pretty deadly. The gravity sheer is like nothing you've ever experienced and it proves almost perfectly inescapable at times. But I'm out of it now and so is Tobie and I really ought to get started on cooking a rather late brunch for us.

Oh great, now Urim is asking if we'll be going to the Toyfair as well. Peer pressure!

I think I started on this blog entry "too early" in my day. I typically try to write once more or less significant events have happened in the day, which for the most part corresponds to the end of my US-time work day. But if we do go to Toyfair - and I feel people are pressuring me more and more to do this, then that'll be something to write about at length.

Or I could write second post for the day should anything significant happen. Hmmm...

For now, to be continued? Or the end?
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  1. But the bedroom singularity has nice benefits naman diba? Comets.. blackholes... shooting stars... :-)


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