01737: Vacuum History

So I bought a vacuum today.

During my recent Singapore trip with my family, I had gotten somewhat envious of my sister's little cordless vacuum unit. It made for easy clean-up of dog fur on a daily basis in addition to any sweeping or other related cleaning activities. Upon our return to Manila, I promised myself that I'd look into getting a similar vacuum for the Sietch. Yoshi may be a small dog, but he's s rather furry one. And we periodically go through major shedding periods that leaves the Sietch looking like a weird animal Western set with furry tumbleweed rolling around.

I have a weird long-running interest in vacuums. I can't quite trace how far back it goes, but it could be argued that my interest ties into my love for Transformers or something. My uncle used to sell Rainbow vacuums while were living in the US and so I had a lot of time to examine the various components of the vacuum set and such.

By the time we moved back to the Philippines, it was a number of years before I was allowed to vacuum on my own. In time my grandmother sort of supported my interest by buying new units - my pride and joy at the time being the Bissel Little Green Clean Machine. In addition, I had a corded Dirt Devil hand vacuum that was pretty robust and made for easy carpet clean-up. It didn't feel like I was being tricked into doing chores or something - I genuinely enjoyed the vacuum sessions.

I've handled dry vacuums and wet vacuums and combination vacuums. There are small ones and that feel like they have industrial horse power capability or something. My cordless vacuum experience has been primarily limited to the original DustBuster. It served its purpose for quite some time but eventually the battery died. Hopefully advances in battery technology will mean that this upright combination vacuum will last longer.

Either way, I know I'm going to have fun with it.
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